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Removing roof stains the correct way.

It seems like everywhere you look you can see those ugly dark roof stains.  You may have seen the stains on your neighbor’s home or on your on home, and have wondered can they be removed.  I am here to tell you that they can be removed and that the stains need to be removed so that your roof can live out its full potential life.  I am going to list the three tips to safely clean a roof.

  • Never use high pressure to clean a roof.

Many so-called roof cleaners will tell you that the use of a pressure washer must be used to remove the roof stains.  Using a pressure washer will not only damage the surface of the roof it will remove the roofing granules.  The granules help protect the shingles from the elements of the weather and when removed it can void your roofing warranty.  Some contractors use a circular disk that spins in a 360 degree motion that is connected to a pressure washer.  They will tell you that this method is safe because they are not using any chemicals but at the same time it is removing the granules.

Picture below shows the wrong way to clean a roof!


  • Soft washing a roof.

Soft washing is the best choice for washing a shingle roof because it does not require the use of a pressure washer.  The process involves the use of the correct cleaners  by using a chemical pump.  Many roofs can be cleaned right from the gutter line while the solution is applied onto the surface.  Once the correct cleaners are applied they dwell onto the surface of the roof and eliminate the algae.  Using the right cleaners will remove the stains without any use of a pressure washer because the solution is doing the cleaning.  The roof surface has not been damaged by using this process and the shingle manufacturer approves of this method.  Click here to watch a video on soft washing!

  • Using the right cleaner to eliminate algae.

The most important part of roof cleaning has to be using the correct cleaners.  There are many products on the market that claim to remove roof stains.  Some roof cleaning solutions claim that once it is applied you have to wait months and many rains for the product to work.  Lets face it you want the stains and algae removed now, you don’t have time to wait and see if this really will work.  Also other products on the market contain very aggressive chemicals that can damage the roof and strip the paint right off your gutters.  You must use cleaners that are approved by the shingle manufacturer and it must eliminate the algae spores.  The algae spores are thriving on the surface and if not eliminated the algae will grow right back just as fast.  A shingle roof if cleaned correctly will not have any stains return for at least three years.

Give us a call for a free quote: 260-413-3290 or fill out our contact form by clicking here.

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