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Roof algae will premature the life of your roof, costing you big money in a replacement.

Roof stains are more than just a dirty roof that can be overlooked and put off.  The dark stains you see are a form of algae called Gloeocapsa magma which is a species of cyanobacteria.  Living in a humid climate doesn’t help either because the humidity promotes moisture and algae appears more on the north side of your home.  The north side receives less sunlight and this area stays more damp which allows the algae spores to thrive and grow.  The fiberglass shingles used today have limestone added to them as a filler and limestone is a great food source for algae.

Roof algae holds moisture and can rot out the shingles.

The algae growing on the roof holds moisture and it will start to break down the shingles.  The shingles will start to rot out and premature due to the bacteria.  One of the most visible signs of damage can be seen when lichen, another form of algae start to eat away at the roof granules which protect the surface of the shingles.

Give us a call today 260-413-3290 or if you want to see how we can clean your roof click here!

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